• Developers of Cities: Skylines 2 have noticed a growing toxicity in their community, which is affecting engagement and creativity.
  • The CEO of Colossal Order expressed concern about the negative impact of toxicity on the team and the community.
  • The developers still encourage helpful criticism from the community but ask for it to be constructive and kind.

Archive link: https://archive.ph/mVaIY

  • Rentlar
    06 months ago

    Sorry, I’m having trouble understanding what kind of commentary you were expecting.

    Leading up to release as soon as the first reviews pointed out bad performance (see thread), many on Lemmy were bashing CO/Paradox for putting out a beta-stage product as if it was fully released, and Lemmings and people at large were never real fans of being unpaid QA testers for game companies.

    Mind you, I love this game, and there’s a lot in there that I can tell CO devs put their heart and soul in. But I see a comment or a post every now and then saying “Lemmy is becoming so toxic, like Reddit” [1] [2] [3] [4] and I’m trying to figure out what exactly has changed, if you can help me out here.

    • Carighan Maconar
      05 months ago

      None of that excuses being toxic around the game though.

      At most, it excuses just refunding it. And then never interacting with it or the community around it ever again.

      • Rentlar
        5 months ago

        I absolutely agree. There’s a line between constructive criticism/feedback and toxicity, some cases are obvious but others I don’t know where exactly to draw it. Those that aren’t interested in the game after being let down may be best advised to refund and move on with their life.

        Unfortunately, I don’t know where to strike a good balance to avoid both an "echo chamber where any dissent is extinguished’, and a ‘cesspool of toxic jerks talking ironically’.

        • Cosmic Cleric
          -15 months ago

          Those that aren’t interested in the game after being let down may be best advised to refund and move on with their life.

          It’s okay to hold a company responsible for the sale of a poor product. You don’t have to give them a free pass and just go away.

          You can let them know what they did wrong, and if they’re smart, they won’t do the same wrong thing again, the next time they sell their next product.

          And any human being on the planet, when they are not listened to, will become upset and rude. The point is for any company to strive for the win-win, and listen to their customers, and not just try to sell them the next bad product and repeat the same bad cycle.

          • @[email protected]
            05 months ago

            For some reason people seem to experience the most rage, vocalization frustration, etc. when it comes to having their entertainment fucked with (whether pricing, content itself, etc). Companies can cause global recession or market crashes, be responsible for child labor resulting in death and dismemberment, or engage in flat out fraud, but those companies will never bring out the toxicity, death threats, entitlement, and communal anger like a video game or film/tv company that impacts the entertainment of the masses. When people used to think of the most evil company in America back in the early 2010’s, EA was more hated than Bank of America, Wells Fargo, or AIG. That never made sense to me.

            • Cosmic Cleric
              5 months ago

              For some reason people seem to experience the most rage, vocalization frustration, etc. when it comes to having their entertainment fucked with (whether pricing, content itself, etc).

              You should never fuck around with the plebs and their ‘bread and circuses’, especially if your government is not doing well.

              Companies can cause global recession or market crashes … or engage in flat out fraud, but those companies will never bring out the toxicity, death threats, entitlement, and communal anger

              People are pissed off at inflation, the general cost of everything (including AAA games), laws and punishments not being applied evenly/fairly, etc., these days.

              I think the latter part of your comment is a bit hyperbolic (especially part of your comment that I edited out when quoting it in my response).

              • @[email protected]
                5 months ago

                The defunct Consumerist used to run a poll. https://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2013/04/09/ea-voted-worst-company-in-america-again/?sh=2dc357397aeb . It was always strange how EA beat out the companies that I think do more harm to society for several years. For some reason it’s entertainment companies that draw a lot of vocal ire from consumers, despite financial institutions, pharma, telecoms, oil, factory farms, etc. doing more explicit and literal harm.

                • Cosmic Cleric
                  5 months ago

                  For some reason it’s entertainment companies that draw a lot of vocal ire from consumers

                  Just repeating myself at this point, but to answer (again) your question…

                  You should never fuck around with the plebs and their ‘bread and circuses’, especially if your government is not doing well.

                  • @[email protected]
                    5 months ago

                    Your comment was vague. I know there’s these days, but I was talking about a theme I have been seeing since around 2010. In the past 23 years we’ve had differing levels of inflation and what not, but entertainment seems to still draw communal vocal ire in ways that seem disproportional to more impactful issues caused by corporations.

                    but to answer (again) your question…

                    what question did i ask?